The Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) raises money that is used to support the twenty-five plus DIocesan Ministries and Programs in the Diocese of Norwich. A list of these ministries is found at The ACA 2023 begins the weekend of March 18-19, 2023.
Supporting the ACA is the most effective way to carry out the work of the Churh both within and beyond parish boundaries. Each parish's support of the Appeal is not only crucial to continuing these ministries, but it is a testament to how we live our Catholic faith together. The Lenten season is a perfect time for Almsgiving, allowing us to share our gifts with others. As members of one church, we are called to follow Jesus's command to love one another and this teaching reaches beyond parish boundaries.
Parishioners can support the ACA through gifts of prayer and financial support. Each household can prayerfully determine how their family is being called to servce their neighbors in our Diocese. Pledges can be made by responding to the ACA mailing, filling out the pledge card that will be placed on tables in the church or vestibule or calling (860) 886-1928 or by making a gift online at
Thank you to all those who have contributed to the ACA - we are very grateful for your dedication and contribution.
You can view the video from Bishop Michael R. Cote regarding how imperative the ACA is and how it helps those in need:
Thank you for all you can do! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.