Parish Ministries
We of Our Lady of Lourdes are a Faith Community rooted in Christ. As a model of God's Kingdom, we are called to be Christlike and to proclaim His love through actions, attitudes, prayer, and spirit. As stewards of God's love, we are committed to extending Christ's peace, love, and justice to all of God's children everywhere.
Liturgical Ministries
Ministries involved with the Mass including Ushers, Gift Bearers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Sacristans.
Music Ministries - Information on the Adult and Children's Choir. Downloadable practice Music.
Faith Formation
Information on the Faith Formation Program including registration forms, class schedules or any other questions:
- Contact: Mrs. Josephine Cometa 860-464-7251
Adult Education
Information on Adult Education offered by Our Lady of Lourdes and the Office of Faith Events
Bereavement Support
Bereavement Support Group at Our Lady of Lourdes - Contact: Lou Tedeschi - 860-464-2453
Knights of Columbus
Vocations Prayer, Slate of Officers, Members
Explanation on what Stewardship is.
Our Lady of Lourdes Guild
What the ladies guild does and how to join. Included Calendar of Events and Slate of Officers.
Parish Advisory Committees
Trustees, Parish Advisory Council, Parish Finance Council and Property Management Committee. Annual Financial Reports and Annual Financial Report.
Prayer request form. - call rectory 860-464-7251
Summer Adoration
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available on Monday & Tuesday 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Prayer Shawl Ministry
About the ministry, how to join and how to request a Prayer Shawl.