Our Lady of Lourdes Liturgical Ministries
We offer many different ways to get involved with Mass through the different Liturgical Ministries. The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer for us as Catholics, and ministering at the Masses is a great way to serve God and the community. If you are interested in any of these ministries, contact the rectory at 860-464-7251. We will be happy to assist you.
Ushers are men and women who help to seat parishioners, pass the basket for offertory collections and assist in decorating the church during the the liturgical seasons. Anyone who is interested in becoming an usher should contact the Administrative Secretary at secretary@ololgf.org
If you are already an usher, please remember that if you are unable to serve at your scheduled Mass, it is your responsibility to find a replacement.
Gift Bearers
All parishioners, families as well as individuals, are invited to participate in this ministry in which the gifts of bread, wine and water are presented to the priest during the Mass. Just check the book in the back of the church near the baptismal font to see if anyone has signed up for any particular Mass or ask one of the ushers. If it is free, you may sign up for that day or one in the future.
Lectors proclaim the scriptures during the Liturgy of the Word. They also prepare for the Mass by studying the readings during the week prior to Mass. This ministry is recommended if you have a clear speaking voice and a love for the Word of God.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests (who are the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion) in the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. This ministry is recommended if you have a love and reverence for the Eucharist.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers (or acolytes) assist the priest throughout the Mass including the procession, holding the Sacramentary during specific prayers, and assisting the preparation of the gifts. Our Altar Servers are an integral part of our Sunday liturgies and other special occasions here in the Parish. This ministry, which promotes leadership and community skills while it provides liturgical education, is recommended for young people, ages 8 (Third Grade) and above who have a love and reverence for the Liturgy.
Sacristans (or Mass Coordinators) organize and prepare the liturgical books, vessels, and anything else that is needed for the Mass. They are also responsible for the procession of the gifts and offertory collection.
Learn More
For more information on any of these ministries, see the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Instruction (www.usccb.org)