Prayer Shawl Ministry
In July of 2005 we started the Prayer Shawl Ministry group here at OLOL. During the last ten years we have given out over 3,100 Prayer Shawls and Lap Robes and made over 3,220 items. I would like to thank all the wonderful women that make up our ministry and thank them for their devotion to this work. You have definitely made a difference in the lives of many people. New members are always welcome at our meetings
Meeting Dates for 2021 - Meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursday at 12:30 PM in the conference room in the rectory office building. Please check the events/calendar page for dates for this Prayer Shawl Ministry. Thank you.
We will wear masks and keep social distance.
Do you like to knit or crochet? New members are always welcome at our meetings.
About the Shawl Ministry
The Shawl Ministry was born right here in Connecticut by two graduates of the Women’s Leadership Institute at The Hartford Seminary – Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo. Currently these ministries exist in many parts of the world, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, North & Central America and Mexico. There are over 100 in the state of Connecticut alone. For more information on their ministry, please visit their website:
“Preach the gospel at all times.
Use words if necessary.” — St. Francis of Assisi
The Prayer Shawl Ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes began in July 2005. With about 15 active members, who enjoy knitting and/or crocheting, this ministry reaches out to the Parish community and beyond. Since its inception over 2400 Prayer Shawls/Lap Robes have been completed and over 2300 have been given to those in need.
In addition to individual requests, we deliver prayer shawls or lap robes to Oncology and Hematology in New London, Beacon Hospice in Mystic, the Pastoral Care office at L&M Hospital in New London and Fairview Nursing Home in Groton.
Our ministry at OLOL has been a blessing to many, not only the shawl/lap robe recipients. Those of us making the shawls and lap robes know that we are making a difference in someone’s life. Many times we do not know the recipients. They could be members of our parish but they don’t have to be. As an outreach we touch others beyond our parish and outside of our religion.
Many of the Prayer Shawl requests are for people who are sick or undergoing a surgical procedure. Some are requested to comfort someone who has lost a loved one. They have been requested for adults and children with cancer. Others have been given to those in nursing homes. Some are given to those who are lonely. The giving of a Prayer Shawl or lap robe lets that person know that someone does care about them. Our excess yarn is used to make hats and scarves for MALTA and the St. Vincent De Paul Place in Norwich during the winter months. We care about all these people.
All our Prayer Shawls/Lap Robes come filled with prayers for the recipient. Story after story has been told about how it was that we knew the shawl or lap robe was their favorite color or how there was a special warmth emanating from it.
Request a Prayer Shawl
There is never a charge to request a prayer shawl or lap robe. Donations, though, are gratefully accepted. We have an Annual Bake Sale in December and the monies collected during this bake sale help us offset our budget in the purchase of yarn, gift bags and ribbon. The Prayer Shawl Request forms are located in the foyer of the church right outside the chapel.
We would like to encourage you to think about your family, friends and co-workers. Could they use a Prayer Shawl or Lap Robe? In the words of St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.” We like to think we are doing this.
Barbara Souder - Coordinator 860-464-6218 before 8:00 PM